Lynn R. Offermann

Lynn R. Offermann
Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Dr. Offermann is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Psychological Science. She is also on the editorial board of The Leadership Quarterly journal. Dr. Offermann has worked with numerous public, private, multinational, and international organizations on executive development and coaching, team development, diversity management, and organizational development. She has trained and coached hundreds of managers from all over the world to improve their leadership effectiveness in multicultural contexts.
- Leadership and followership
- Teams
- Diversity issues
- Organizational processes and influence
Dr. Offermann's current projects focus on leadership and followership in organizations, with a emphasis on diversity, particularly gender, racial, and cultural diversity. Her recent SHRM grant follows a group of college women leaders from 1985, studying their career paths, choices, and barriers to achievement. Her National Science Foundation grant focused on intergroup relations in diverse organizations and ways to increase inclusion, including examining processes of subtle discrimination that may be unintended but no less harmful. Additional work in the area of team functioning has focused on team inclusion and the impact of virtuality on leader-follower and within-team relationships.
Undergraduate Courses
ORSC 2544/PSYC 2544 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology
ORSC 2000 - Diversity in Organizations
ORSC 2560 - Group Dynamics
Graduate Courses
PSYC 8245 - Organizational Behavior
PSYC 8243 - Leadership in Organizations
PSYC 8254 - Social Influence
PSYC 8260 - Work Group Development
(student co-authors are starred)
Offermann. L. R., Lanzo*, L. A., Foley*, K., & Harvey*, T. (In press). College women leaders, 1985-2015: Achievement motivations across generations. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
Offermann, L. R., Thomas*, K. R., Lanzo*, L. A., & Smith*, L. N. (2020). Achieving leadership and success: A 28-year follow-up of college women leaders. The Leadership Quarterly, 31 (4).
Offermann, L. R., & Foley*, K. (2020). Is there a female leadership advantage? A look at the literature. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford University Press.
Offermann, L. R., & Lanzo*, L. A. (2020). Team inclusion: The case for early intervention. In B. Ferdman, J. Prime, & R. E. Riggio (Eds.), Inclusive leadership: Transforming diverse lives, workplaces, and societies. Routledge.
Hill, N.S., Offermann, L. R., & Thomas*, K. R. (2019). Mitigating the detrimental impact of maximum negative affect on team cohesion and performance through face-to-face communication, Group & Organization Management, 44(1) 211-238.
Offermann, L. R., & Coats*, M. R. (2018). Implicit theories of leadership: Stability and change over two decades. The Leadership Quarterly, 29, 513-522.
Offermann, L. R., & Lanzo*, L. A. (in press). Team inclusion: The case for early intervention. In B. M. Ferdman, J. Prime, & R. E. Riggio (Eds.), Inclusive leadership: Transforming diverse lives, workplaces, and societies. Routledge.
Ayubi*, E., Bowers*, B., Broida*, A., Jenkins*, N., McGhee*, M. L., Miller*, A., Mitchell*, A., Walker*, M., Offermann, L., & Grady. V. (2015). The challenge of change for multinational organizations: A case study. International Journal of Management and Business,5 (2).
Offermann, L. R., Basford, T. E., Graebner, R., Jaffer, S., Basu De Graaf, S., & Kaminsky, S. E. (2014). See no evil: Colorblindness and perceptions of subtle racial discrimination in the workplace. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 20 (4), 499-507.
Offermann, L. R., Matos*. K., & Basu DeGraaf*, S. (2014). ¿Están hablando de mí?: Language challenges for multilingual organizations. Journal of Managerial Psychology,29,644-660.
Basford*, T. E., Offermann, L. R., & Behrend, T. (2014). Do you see what I see? Perceptions of gender microaggressions in the workplace. Psychology of Women Quarterly,38,340-349.
Basford*, T. E., Offermann, L. R., & Behrend, T., (2014) Please accept my sincerest apologies: Examining follower reactions to leader apology., Journal of Business Ethics,119 (1), 99-117.
Offermann, L. R., & Basford*, T. E. (2013). Inclusive human resource management: Best practices and the challenging role of human resources. In B. Ferdman (Ed). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion (pp 229-259). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Practice Series.
Rosh, L., & Offermann, L. R. (2013). Be yourself, but carefully: How to be authentic without oversharing. Harvard Business Review, October, pp. 2-6.
Offermann, L. R., Basford*, T. E., Graebner*, R., Basu*, S., & Jaffer*, S.,(2012) Slights, snubs, and slurs: Leader equity and microaggressions., Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 32 (4), pp. 374-393.
Offermann, L. R. & Rosh, L., (2012) Building trust through skillful self-disclosure., Harvard Business Review blog, June 13, 2012.
Basford*, T. E., & Offermann, L. R., (2012) Beyond leadership: Coworker influence on motivation and intent to stay., Journal of Management and Organization, 18 (6), 807-817.
Rosh, L., Offermann, L. R., & Van Diest, R., (2012) Too close for comfort?: Distinguishing between team intimacy and team cohesion., Human Resource Management Review, 22 (2) 116-127.
Basford*, T. E., Offermann, L. R., & Wirtz, P. W., (2012) Considering the source: The impact of senior management and immediate supervisor support on employee intent to stay, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 2012, 19(2), 200-212.
Offermann, L. R., (2012). Relational leadership: Creating effective leadership with diverse staff., In M. Uhl-Bien and S. Ospina (Eds)., Advancing relational leadership theory: A conversation among perspectives, (pp. 361-380). Information Age Publishing.
B. A., Psychology, State University of New York, Oswego